
Tips for Selling on Poshmark

Every time I talk about my Poshmark closet on my Instagram I always get asked for my tips for selling on Poshmark, so I wanted to share some of my favorite tips for selling on Poshmark, and how I’ve grown to over 30k followers and $20k in sales. Consider this your Poshmark for Beginners Intro Course 😉 . It’s important to remember you’re most likely not going to have instant success with Poshmark. I have been selling on Poshmark for over five years and it’s truly one of my FAVORITE hobbies. It takes some work to get started but with these tips I hope you find success with the app!

You guys have been asking me for my poshmark tips and tricks for a while now, so I’m excited to bring you guys this post! When you’re cleaning out your closet this week, make a pile of pieces that still have some life left, create a poshmark account and try out these tips to make a few extra bucks while were stuck inside.

(P.s. if you sign up for poshmark with code BEEDURST” you’ll get an extra $10 in your account to shop around 🙂

What is Poshmark you ask? It’s a digital marketplace where anyone can buy and sell new or used clothing, shoes, accessories and now home decor via online or on their app. It’s great for getting some cash for those items that are shoved in the back of your closet, and replace them with some cash. (You also generally can get more for your items on Poshmark vs. selling them at a store like Platos Closet or Uptown because Poshmark only takes 20%).

Here are my 9 best tips for selling on Poshmark.


This one I learned the hard way. Items sell 10x quicker when you put in a little effort to take better pictures. A few rules to remember:

  1. Always shoot during the day, when lighting is the brightest.
  2. Use a clean, white background for crisper images. It helps make the product “pop” and looks “cleaner”.
  3. PRO TIP: Use white poster board for flat lay pictures, or a bare wall with a hook to hang clothing pieces up so your items will look crisp and neat.
  4. Try to keep consistent “branding” of your photos, by always shooting in the same spot and try to always use the same style for the cover image. (ie. front facing shot).

Most of my Poshmark listings have at least three photos: one front-facing shot of the item on a hanger, one close up of a detail like a cuffed hem or the print of the fabric, and one photo of the tag to show what brand it actually is.make sure you show any wear and tear of the item or any imperfections so that you’re not deceiving the buyer. If you dont disclose all wear and tear and buyers are disappointed by their purchase, they do have the option to “open a case” and return the item within 3 days if ithey feel it doesn’t meet the descriptions. You can also provide an image of you wearing it, but the more that a buyer has to look at the more likely they’ll be to purchase.


You want to be as descriptive as possible when writing your product descriptions. You want to include everything you can such as size, brand, condition (any imperfection notes), color and measurements when possible, especially with clothes because people are less likely to buy without this information.

Listing brand names in the first few words of the title, as well as the description, is a great way to catch a buyer’s attention and show up in search results. Make sure that your being very specific and clear about conditions and measurements (remember you don’t want returns and you want good reviews to make more sales). You can also select Poshmark’s NWT feature if you list an unworn item that still has the tags on it and these items are even more likely to get sold.

You also want to fill out as many fields as you can when listing your item because people are doing searches in Poshmark and if they’re looking for Coach sneakers size 6, for example, you want to make sure your listing will show up for them as a result.


Sharing and promoting your items is a must on Poshmark, even if it feels like an annoying form of self-promotion. Sharing your listings every day is a great way to make sure your followers see them and that they get seen by fresh eyes. I aim to share my closet at least 3 times a day: once in the morning, once after work and once before bed. Most importantly, Be sure you’re also sharing to any “parties “that might be happening if you have items that are a fit (ex: sometimes they’ll do a Free People, Urban, Anthropologie party or a Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour party). Parties usually start around noon + 10 PM EST. Sharing to Posh Parties gets your listings to more people! They will get shared a lot during the parties.



To get your listings seen and sell items on poshmark you need to follow lots of other Poshers and share their items! Poshmark is a great community of buyers and sellers and you will get lots of shares and follows this way, so Follow people, they will follow you back!

One of the best ways to get your items seen and sold is by showing other closets some love! Share the items of people that your follow and share different items that come up on your “feed”. Users may see that you’re helping get their items in front of your own audience , and return the favor as well. Also, to become a Posh Ambassador on the app you need to share at least 50 new accounts and share at least 5,000 other items so don’t be afraid to get social!



This is illegal and against Poshmark terms + conditions. It won’t get you anywhere but kicked off the app. Sorry bud ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 



If you’re smart and save you probably don’t have a million clothes to list and get rid of like I do, but every couple weeks (or as you get new things in) try to go through your closet and pull out things that you don’t wear that often. Or if youre getting dressed in the morning, and decide to change because you dont like a particular piece anymore, or its fit, make a note to get rid of it and let it bring someone else joy. Don’t put it back in your closet and try to convince yourself you’ll wear it one day. List it and get the cash to buy yourself something you’ve had your eye on for a while. Chances are you can probably find it on posh at HUGE discount from retail price.



I always recommend pricing items at least 40-60% off retail price, depending on condition and wear. Looking for similar items for sale on the platform, and seeing what they’re listed at is another great point of reference. Make sure to take into account differences in condition as well.retty much EVERYONE makes an offer and hardly anyone will just buy at the price listed. For this reason, you want to price your item higher than you’re willing to actually take. I always price items a little higher when I first list them (like 10-20% higher than my “bottom price”) which helps with negotiating and offering shipping discounts to entice potential buyers.

You can start higher and once you get a bunch of likes on your item you can lower the price in 10% increments, or offer an additional shopping discount, and it will notify everyone who liked your item that you lowered the price! This is a great way to keep eyes on your items and is a strategy many Poshers use to get more people to share and buy their items.




Make sure to keep all of your inventory in one location so its easy to find when you need to package it up to ship. Depending on how many listing you have, I reccomend using a bin or basket. I share my poshmark closet with my sister (it was easier that way since I already had over 20k followers on the app), so we have over 100+ listing which can get really crazy trying to find things. We just converted our spare bedroom into a home office/shipping room and implemented an inventory management system to keep things organized (sounds fancy, but its really just systemattically labeled boxes + bags lol). Having things organized and all in one place will definitely save you some time when it comes to getting things shipped.



First of all Congrats! You made a sale, this is huge!! First, you want to make sure you’re prepared for the sale (ie, you have packaging and access to a printer, the item is clean, etc) before you actually make one! This is so important because you want to ship it out as soon as you can, I usually ship the same day or the day after.

The good news? Shipping on Poshmark is so easy!

Print your label. Make sure you have a working printer so you can print out the label that will get emailed to you upon a sale. Poshmark takes care of creating the label, you just need to print it.

Order Free boxes from USPS now! Yes, there is no need to buy boxes because you can get them at your local post office for free or shipped to you absolutely free right from the USPS website. These boxes are my favorite because they already come equipped with self-sealing tape on each end, so you are saving packing tape in the long run.

IMPORTANT: Orders can be shipped using regular brown boxes or USPS boxes that are labeled Priority Mail, Priority Mail Flat Rate, or Regional Rate. Any other USPS boxes, including Express Mail are NOT allowed and may cause delays in shipping and receiving your earnings


Make your Package Special with a little extra touch. Grab thank you notes and inexpensive wash tape and tissue paper from the dollar store, or order them on Amazon to spice up your sales. If you wanted to spend a little bit to get some cute shipping bags or custom stickers, customers always love receiving a cute package vs a regular box! You’d be surprised how far a personal touch goes.

When I can, I even add a freebie. I have lots of free samples I collect so these are easy to add to my shipments. You can do this pretty affordably by reusing tissue paper or packaging that you get with your orders from. retailers or off posh, or you can head to the dollar store and pick up a pack of tissue paper and cards!

I hope you enjoyed these tips for selling on poshmark and please feel free to reach out with any questions in the comments.

Xx Bee
