We’re always using our phones these days, so why not have a little self care right in the palm of our hands? These app's have been staples in developing my healthy routine and are now an essential part of my day to day life so I wanted to share them with you!


I've been using my hatch light for months now, both to fall asleep an and wake up to. The free app that comes with is a MUST! You can customize your routines to your own schedule/needs, so it automatically plays your light/sound routine based on the custom time/duration/settings you select in app! I also highly recommend taking advantage of the sounds and stories/exercises whenever you need a little relaxation!


I came across the 5 Minute Journal in Marshall's like a year or two ago and I fell in love with the way it's organized and makes you think. I recently found out they have an app as well so I've been trying to use that more. It helps me set small goals for the day which helps me to practice being grateful, content and present with things that are happening now


Some of my resolutions for this year involved making personal changes, which I knew I probably wouldn't be able to do alone. Traditional therapy never work for me because I was always back and forth and on the go and my therapist’s never really took the time (or cared enough) to get to know/understand me and my life. I was always speaking at the therapist’s with no direction or guidance and didn’t feel like I was being taught the tools and skills I needed to better myself. So after a few years of trying it on my own and some serious self-reflection late last year I realized this needed to be a priority for me so I downloaded the Betterhelp app. (I previously used Talkspace app and both are comparable, I just found better help to be more personal and affordable for my frequency, my therapist and i have developed a HUGE bond over the last couple months she’s helped me through a lot!

It’s been super convenient for my busy on the go lifestyle and extremely comfortable. You're able to introduce yourself and why you’re seeking therapy (which definitely isn't a bad thing so don't be embarrassed!! TBH I feel like everyone would benefit from therapy at one point or another) and they choose a few therapists who would be a good fit and you ultimately get to choose who you’d feel most comfortable with!

My therapist was amazing from the very start. She encourages me to think in ways and about things that I've never thought of before. I can talk to her anywhere (and i have the plan that let me talk at any time) which is helpful so I’m not having to remember things until our next appointment, or deal with rescheduling if things come up last minute.

The pricing is actually way more affordable than the cost of all copay visits per month. I also like that you can get a discount if you purchase your months in bulk (3 or 6 months at a time). If you think this is something you may like or want to try it out be sure to use the link below because I got you guys $50 off your first month!

 This is super personal to me so I don’t typically talk much about my issues or therapy, but I know sharing my experience could be helpful to those of you who may struggle with some of the things I do, so one of these day’s maybe we will talk more about it.



This app has affirmations and positive statements that you can shuffle through and read throughout the day! I have a widget on my background for the app and set it to change hourly so whenever I glance at my phone throughout the day I have a different positive affirmation to read to myself. I personally love it for helping me keep my mind positive and control negative thoughts I have, especially when my mind starts to spiral!




Holiday Gift Wrapping Ideas to Try this Year